Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wow-ful Women Wednesdays

I'm breaking my own rules here slightly today. My video is not anything remotely woman-ish, except that I am a woman and that I want to be Wow-fully excellent at making Christ known to a watching world. How is a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of 7 supposed to do that?

What do I have to offer? What can I acheive that will make the world see that God is great? When I stand face to face with Him on that day, what will He pat me on the back for?

Will He comment on my children's excellent table manners? The speed at which they learned their 12 times tables? Their ability to name the American states alphabetically?

What about me? Will He commend me for my mothering? My housekeeping? My voice? My writing?

What about you? What do you have to offer to the King of Kings? What makes you worthwhile? What makes you desirable? Valuable? Interesting?

What it is that God the Father, my judge, will comment on is the beautiful covering of Christ over me. Only what He has done in and through me will last. Only the impact He has had on others through my hands and feet will be noteworthy. Only the glory that He gave Himself through what He has done in me is worthy of praise.

That's what I'm thinking about as I watch this video. And suddenly, I feel much more focused, and much less likely to panic about my past, present, and future potential failures. My prayer is that you also will find the refocus necessary through the lyrics of this song. It's not about you. It's not about me. It is always all about Christ. And that is the most freeing, wonderful thought.


halfpint said...

a blessing....

Savannah said...

This was thought-provoking, and thank you for it. Also, thank you for commenting on my HOTM article, "What My Children Teach Me." It blessed me to know that you enjoyed it and found it timely.