Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wow-ful Women Wednesdays

Two videos today.

First, ages ago when I started this Wow-ful Women spot I posted one of my all-time favourite songs by, in my uneducated estimation, the best stage voice of all time. Remember this post?

Today we have,again, Ruthie Henshall (don't worry that you didn't know her name. I didn't either. But who could forget her voice?).

Now about that second video: this song comes from Gypsy, the movie version of which I really, really like a lot. So I have the clip from the movie below, and what I love most about it is Natalie Wood. She is just exceptional. There is a scene from the movie that makes me cry just thinking about it, but I can't find a clip of it to show you. It is the scene where Natalie Wood's character gets all dressed up for the stage for the first time and she stands in front of the mirror, unable to recognize herself, and she says, "Mama, I *am* beautiful." Makes we weep like a ridiculous woman everytime. Maybe you have to see it to get it... :-)

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